TVUSD School Board Good Governance Report Card: December 2024


Every month, we will publish the 1TVPAC Good Governance report card to evaluate TVUSD School Board trustees. 

  • This month we recognize Anderson and Barham for their professionalism, preparation, and focus on following the rules that govern public school board trustees. 

  • We commend Schwartz on his preparation, fiscal focus, and keeping students first. 

  • We encourage Komrosky and Wiersma to follow the laws and rules that govern them as public school trustees, be transparent and honest, and reduce their hypocrisy.

The grades are based on their behavior in the boardroom and outside (public events, training, social media, communication with constituents, etc.). The criteria include fiscal responsibility, given the upcoming budget shortfall, and the California School Board Association (CSBA) standards for effective trustees: 

  • Keeps learning and achievement for all students as the primary focus

  • Values, supports and advocates for public education

  • Recognizes and respects differences of perspective and style on the board and among staff, students, parents and the community

  • Acts with dignity, and understands the implications of demeanor and behavior

  • Keeps confidential matters confidential

  • Participates in professional development and commits the time and energy necessary to be an informed and effective leader

  • Understands the distinctions between board and staff roles, and refrains from performing management functions that are the responsibility of the superintendent and staff

  • Understands that authority rests with the board as a whole and not with individuals.


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