One Temecula Valley PAC calls for the immediate resignation of TVUSD board members Komrosky, Wiersma as well as the censure of board member Gonzalez and Temecula City councilmember Jessica Alexander


TEMECULA (March 24, 2023) — One Temecula Valley PAC (1TVPAC) demands good governance from local elected officials that benefit the whole of our local communities. We stand for local control of local entities that govern the issues within our local communities. 

We have seen enough. 

The actions of Joseph Komrosky, Jen Wiersma, and Danny Gonzalez during their short stint on the TVUSD school board have proven to be textbook examples of bad governance as they continue to follow a national political agenda playbook and clumsily but aggressively try to jam them into a local school district with a total disregard for anyone in their way.

And there is no end in sight. The only thing promised by this board majority is more embarrassing and damaging national coverage of a school district and community that deserves better than the shame they are bringing to our neighborhoods and classrooms. 

As a result, 1TVPAC calls for the immediate resignation of Komrosky and Wiersma and prohibitive censure on Gonzalez for the irreparable damage they have caused to the district and the city as a whole to this point. 

Wednesday night’s public CRT Workshop is yet another example of the misuse of taxpayer dollars, a display of power and partisan political propaganda, which devolved into chaos when supporters of the board majority resorted to racist statements and physical intimidation in response to public speaker comments in dissent. 

1TVPAC also refutes the misinformation perpetrated in a statement made on the TVUSD website by Wiersma and Komrosky regarding the media coverage showing the blatant racism during Wednesday’s meeting. Komrosky, in his role as board president, has consistently and unashamedly attempted to rule from his throne with an iron fist, mainly consisting of biased threats and unprofessionalism toward fellow elected board members. 

Komrosky’s decision to eject a black man for the man’s reaction to a racist statement screamed at him from the audience is yet another example of Komrosky’s bias. To our knowledge, he has weaponized local law enforcement to remove only two people from TVUSD board meetings, both black men who spoke in opposition to his biased behavior on the dais. 

Additionally, we call for the immediate censuring of Temecula City Council member Jessica Alexander who, while in attendance as an announced “dignitary” at Wednesday’s meeting, was caught on camera trying to convince TVUSD board president Komrosky not to eject the woman who made a racist comment to the public speaker. 

That blight brought upon the community by the three board members, supported by councilmember Alexander, has received national attention in a negative light and comes as a result of the board’s decision to spend in upwards of $50,000 to hire a failed school board member and lawyer from Paso Robles to lecture teachers, and later, the public about the “evils of Critical Race Theory,” a collegiate level course curriculum that is not included in any K-12 school district in the country. 

They did so without inviting or accepting differing viewpoints from proposed academic scholars educated in the subject and holding degrees associated with history, sociology, etc. This was a one-sided, politically motivated exercise that fits with their desire to defund public education.

That misuse of taxpayer dollars and attempt to spread political propaganda follows the hiring of a politically-motivated law firm, the trio likely instructed to do so by the political operative group California Policy Center, at a pay rate twice that of existing district representation.

The need and purpose for hiring the outside counsel has yet to be disclosed, and it has been estimated by some that the law firm’s bills will reach upwards of $500,000 by summer. 

There are rumblings within the school district that the law firm may have already contacted TVUSD Superintendent Jodi McClay with an interest in unjustly terminating her contact — which would result in another hefty bill to be footed by the taxpayers. It is estimated that McClay’s contract buyout would cost somewhere in the region of $350,000.

Since taking office in December, without having proposed or enacted anything of significance or progress for the school district and the students they serve, this board majority of Komrosky, Wiersma, and Gonzalez have committed taxpayers to an estimated $900,000 in expense, all in the name of their personal political agendas. 

That’s close to a million dollars that could go toward school supplies for classrooms, upgrades in technology for robotics and CTE classrooms, and maintenance on schools that lack even doors for bathroom stalls. 

Those issues are of no apparent importance to Komrosky, Wiersma, and Gonzalez. 

School boards and city councils are non-partisan positions, because their roles in local governments never deal with national issues or legislation — rather, they shouldn’t. But we see time and time again that the agenda that these three board members are enacting are not unique to the Temecula school district — similar agendas are being enacted in other areas of the country — and doing so blindly and without dialogue with or input from the stakeholders of the communities they serve.

This heavy-handed behavior, serving only their personal political agendas and those dictated to them by outside entities and politically motivated organizations, is tearing one of California’s top school districts to pieces, limb by limb. 

It is important to keep in mind that Komrosky, Wiersma, and Gonzalez and their quest to legislate a national political agenda in a local school district, the ensuing divisiveness that occurs due to a total disregard for dissenting viewpoints, and the misuse of taxpayer dollars in order to propagandize and protect their misguided, harmful agenda — comes at the expense of the students of the Temecula Valley Unified School District.

It is the students and their futures caught in the middle of this, and that harm was brought upon them by Komrosky, Wiersma, and Gonzalez, and their unyielding quest for political notoriety. 

1TVPAC, along with the help of many other like-minded groups in the community, will continue to organize, lobby, and show up to defend the school districts and cities we serve. 

As a non-partisan organization consisting of Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and more, we will continue to speak truth in the face of bad governance wherever we find it, and will continue to stand up for the rights, viewpoints and best interests of the entirety of our communities. 

In the best interest of our school district, city and community, we reiterate that the immediate resignation of Komrosky and Wiersma is the only reasonable way forward in healing our community and correcting the bad governance enacted by these misguided elected officials.

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One Temecula Valley Political Action Committee was to support and foster a stable and common sense approach to governance for Southwest Riverside County. The group has expanded to five working teams actively monitoring local school boards and city councils throughout Southwest Riverside County encompassing the cities of Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, and Lake Elsinore. To learn more, volunteer, and donate, visit


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Paid for by the One Temecula Valley PAC (FPPC #1454922) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


1TVPAC to rally in support of TVEA’s Blue Tuesdays


One Temecula Valley PAC opposes insulting move by TVUSD’s Gonzalez to hire political propagandist costing district an estimated $30,000