One Temecula Valley PAC launches Recall campaign alongside local group of mothers and parents

TEMECULA (June 15, 2023) — One Temecula Valley PAC (1TVPAC) decided to join in support of an existing move to recall Temecula Valley Unified School District Jennifer Wiersma by a group of mothers in Temecula, and went even further by initiating recall procedures for TVUSD Trustee and Board President Joseph Komrosky and TVUSD Trustee Danny Gonzalez, late Sunday night. 

On Monday, June 11, the unified group collected more than three times the needed signatures for the Notice of Intent to Recall documents required for Komrosky, nearly the same amount for Gonzalez, and twice the needed number for Wiersma. 

“We expected to be there all day collecting the necessary signatures,” PAC leadership said. “Turns out, the public is very enthusiastic about removing these trustees from their seats and replacing them with more qualified, talented trustees that will re-stabilize the district and get our schools back on track.”

In total, it took the group just 2 ½ hours to collect what was needed. 

On the evening of Tuesday, June 12, during the meeting of the TVUSD Board of Trustees, during closed session, members of the public then served Wiersma, Komrosky, and Gonzalez with the Notice of Intent to Recall documents, as required by the State of California and County of Riverside. 

As of Thursday, June 15, the PAC was hand delivering the necessary signed documents to the County of Riverside Registrar of Voters for signature verification and completion of the process. 

“We expect to begin collecting signatures in Trustee Areas 2, 3, and 4 in roughly two weeks,” PAC leadership said. 

The PAC is currently compiling volunteer and signature interest in a Google form document, available on the PAC’s website,

“We need what we are calling Neighborhood Captains to help lead in signature gathering in those Trustee Areas, as well as people to support, walk the neighborhoods and collect a tremendous amount of signatures in each of those districts,” PAC leadership said. “And we have had more than 500 people volunteer toward those efforts. We’re off to a flying start.”

It will take an estimated more than 4,000-5,000 verified signatures from each trustee area in order to put that Trustee up for recall. Essentially, to recall all three of the board members, we will need 12,000-15,000 verified signatures over the course of 4 months, or 120 days. 

“It is a big ask, so we need a big response, but this is a big issue, and we believe our community will come together as ONE to make this happen for the future of our school district,” PAC leadership said. “This has to happen.”

Once those signatures are verified, over the course of a couple of months, the Registrar of Voters will then determine when to hold a special ballot election — likely March of 2024 during the primaries or in November 2024 during the General Election.

Then, once the PAC decides which candidates to endorse, the campaigning and canvassing begin to get qualified, competent candidates into the seats to replace Wiersma, Komrosky, and Gonzalez. 

In addition to the time and energy commitment needed from the supporting community, the PAC needs the community’s financial support in order to create the sheer volume of content, literature and advertising space necessary to reach the more than 110,000 residents of Temecula. 

To make a donation to the PAC, please visit the homepage,, and you can also support the PAC by purchasing from our Shop at A portion of the small profit from any item for sale goes directly to the PAC. 

The PAC will also be selling yard signs in support of the recall, specific to Trustee areas as well as general recall informational signs. Proceeds from the yard signs will go toward buying more signs for the PAC to distribute strategically throughout the city. 

A grand Recall Kickoff event is being planned as a start to signature gathering and a fundraiser to support all three Recall Campaigns. More information will be distributed in the coming week.

To stay up to date with breaking developments, follow us on Facebook at, on Instagram at, Twitter at, and our new TikTok account,

Get communications from the PAC by signing up for our Schools Team, Cities Team, Outreach Team, and Regional Team, or general communications on the front page of our website,

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One Temecula Valley Political Action Committee was to support and foster a stable and common sense approach to governance for Southwest Riverside County. The group has expanded to five working teams actively monitoring local school boards and city councils throughout Southwest Riverside County encompassing the cities of Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, and Lake Elsinore. To learn more, volunteer, and donate, visit


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Paid for by the One Temecula Valley PAC (FPPC #1454922) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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