Political Action Committee releases Temecula Voter Guide


Political Action Committee releases Temecula Voter Guide

TEMECULA (October 10, 2022) — One Temecula Valley Political Action Committee (1TVPAC) last weekend released the first of its Voter Guides and endorsements of candidates, leading with the Temecula City Council and Temecula Valley Unified School District candidate choices. 

“Given the amount of misinformation being distributed to the community via social media, direct mail, and other venues, we think it is extremely important for the PAC to inform Temecula voters with facts,” the committee said. “In addition to our list of endorsed candidates, we will be providing facts-based rationale for our selections as well as some background information on why each candidate’s opponent is wrong for the city and the school district.”

The Voter Guide was released with a personal letter from 20-year Temecula City Council Member and four-time Mayor Jeff Comerchero. Included below is a snippet of the letter.

“I am very proud of Temecula,” Comerchero said. “I, along with many colleagues, worked tirelessly through the years to build one of the finest cities in America. Please do not allow these ultra zealots to destroy your city and with it, the quality of life we all enjoy. Let’s re-elect those who have the knowledge and experience to keep Temecula a wonderful place.”

The committee hopes to release Voter Guides for Murrieta, as well as endorsements for regional seats and area water boards in the near future. 

One Temecula Valley Political Action Committee was formed in response to a very real and dangerous threat to local governance posed by a religious group with extremist views and was created by community leaders, former city council, and school board members. 1TVPAC’s stated goal is to support and promote stable, responsible candidates and policy within the Southwest Riverside County region leading up to the 2022 election and well beyond. Visit onetvpac.org for more information. 

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Paid for by the One Temecula Valley PAC (FPPC #1454922) 
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Response to letter written to the City of Temecula by Attorney Allison K. Aranda on behalf of Jessica Alexander


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