Response to letter written to the City of Temecula by Attorney Allison K. Aranda on behalf of Jessica Alexander

One Temecula Valley PAC



TEMECULA (October 24, 2022) — On October 17, 2022, Attorney Allison K. Aranda submitted a letter on behalf of Council Member Jessica Alexander’s request to place an item on the Council’s agenda, seeking a resolution in opposition to State Proposition 1.  The Proposition is titled, “Constitutional Right to Reproductive Freedom.”  

Attorney Aranda claims that the City Manager and City Attorney misinterpreted the council policy pertaining to the process of putting an item on a future agenda. She says that Alexander’s recent denied request to make Temecula a sanctuary city for the unborn is not related to a discussion of Proposition 1.  

"As a council member and Temecula Mayor for more than 20 years I can say with certainty that although the actual process is different now, the precedent has long been set concerning the fact that like items dealing with the same or similar subject matter are considered related," said Jeff Comerchero, 1TVPAC Member at Large.

Therefore the City Attorney was clearly correct in the decision that Alexander’s request was inappropriate as it was subject to a 90 day waiting period. 

What makes Alexander’s actions odd, once again, is that even if she had been successful in her request and if the Council voted to put it on the agenda, the earliest it could be on would be Nov. 15, a week after the election in which she wanted the City to pass a resolution in opposition to Proposition 1.  

To suggest she didn’t know that defies all logic.  What kind of grandstanding stunt was she trying to pull? Jessica Alexander and those pulling her strings are a danger to the well being of our city and must not be allowed to gain a foothold.  

It’s imperative that we re-elect Maryann Edwards in District 3, Zak Schwank in District 5, and elect Curtis Brown in District 1.


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Paid for by the One Temecula Valley PAC (FPPC #1454922) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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