1TVPAC demands Alexander resignation/censure for hateful text message communications


   TEMECULA, CA (Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023) — At Tuesday night’s Temecula City Council meeting, Temecula resident and One Temecula Valley PAC committee member (1TVPAC), Jeff Wittek, presented some concerning communications between sitting District 2 City Council Member Jessica Alexander and a Temecula resident. 

   In text messages obtained through a Public Records Act request, the resident is lamenting about a previous council meeting in which Alexander once again attacked a vulnerable community with proposed policy and resolution and attempted to promote a “Parental Rights” resolution. 

   In the texts (shown below), the resident refers to each council member with anti-semetic, derogatory and racist terms:

   Council member Curtis Brown: "Curtis is lazy and disrespectful"

   Mayor Zak Schwank: "Zack is mocking our civic system giggling with the queers in the audience"

   Mayor Pro-Tem James Stew Stewart: "he's the court jester of the city."

   Council member Brenden Kalfus: "Brendan finally admitted he's a Jew with his slick used car salesmen antics. I knew that Zionist could never be trusted."

   The resident then goes on to express what can only be described as murderous thoughts toward the council members. 

   "Frankly there all useless eunuchs and I had much more to say but my blood was boiling and all I could imagine was a samurai sword to all there necks."

   Council member Alexander responds just minutes later with:

   "Amen sister!!! No regrets, ever! The Lord says go, and I go!"

Wittek emphasized in his public comment: “How did Alexander handle these messages? Did her response exhibit strength of character, leadership and professionalism? Did she push back on the racist, homophobic, antisemitic and hateful slurs?  NO, instead she celebrated the disparaging comments. This response once again demonstrates that Council member Alexander is unfit to serve on Temecula City Council.”  

   1TVPAC is once again calling for the immediate resignation of Council Member Alexander and the immediate censure of her for the remainder of her term. Alexander is up for reelection in 2024.

  “Alexander’s failure to even attempt to defend her colleagues or admonish the person sending her the racist and derogatory text messages, is alarming to us as an organization and troubling for the City of Temecula and its residents,” Jeff Pack, co-founder of 1TVPAC, said. “They are racist, anti-semetic, homophobic, and derogatory and any competent or mentally-stable elected official would recognize these texts as despicable and contrary to what most Temecula residents stand for and believe.

   “But Alexander, in her response, seems to agree wholeheartedly with the writer, which is beyond reprehensible. Hate has no place in Temecula, especially on the City Council dais.”

   This behavior and viewpoint from Alexander is not surprising to most Temecula residents. During her time on the council, she has made several derogatory remarks regarding vulnerable populations within the city, leaning against her personal religious beliefs to justify expressing them.

   “Alexander has repeatedly attacked the LGBTQUIA+ community, refusing to acknowledge that community, and pushing policy and resolutions meant to hurt and belittle them,” Pack said. “It is not shocking that she would also harbor racist and anti-semetic ideologies as well. 

   “It is our opinion that these hateful, illegal ideologies existing in a seat on the city council dais is not only dangerous for our city’s residents, but disqualifying for Alexander. Resignation is the most appropriate response, a censure of Alexander by her colleagues is the minimum.”

   1TVPAC also believes that the writer of the texts to Alexander, who is known, should be barred from attending Temecula City Council meetings due to the murderous statements made, which would help in protecting audience members and the council members themselves.

   “This hate rhetoric is spreading throughout the country when allowed to breathe air,” Pack said. “Temecula should not be a place where hatred can survive. It is time to act.”

Public Records Act report: https://temeculaca.mycusthelp.com/webapp/_rs/(S(optykorhlmqbgvfgiwslq31i))/RequestArchiveDetails.aspx?rid=8837

The first two images below are from the alleged resident, the last is a response from Alexander. 

Individual files are available to send and downloadable on the link above.

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One Temecula Valley Political Action Committee was to support and foster a stable and common sense approach to governance for Southwest Riverside County. The group has expanded to five working teams actively monitoring local school boards and city councils throughout Southwest Riverside County encompassing the cities of Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee, and Lake Elsinore. To learn more, volunteer, and donate, visit www.onetvpac.org.  

Paid for by the One Temecula Valley PAC (FPPC #1454922) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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